Dr. rer. nat. Javad Ghofrani

I am holding an Interim Professorship in Service Robotics at University of Luebeck (Germany). I have my previous postdoc (2018-2022) in the Smart Production Systems Group at the HTW Dresden and (2016-2018) in Software engineering Group at University of Hanover (Germany). My Ph.D. was in an interdisciplinary project from the faculty of computer science and the institute for disposal research at Clausthal university of technology.


During my academic career, I have extended my research experience in the field of Software product line engineering, Empirical software engineering, Microservices architecture and Swarm Robotics. You can follow my research acitivities on ResearchGate


In order to see the list of my publications, please visit my Google Scholar page.


EMDrive: design and develop a virtual prototype of service oriented architecture for safety and security evaluation in the autonomous driving, University of Luebeck, 2022-2025 COREM: Controlling Maintenance of Production Systems via Remote Technology, HTW Dresden 2020-2023 Debuti: Digitale Assistenzsysteme für Robotersteuerung in Fertigung, HTW Dresden, 2019 Arrohead Tools: European investment for Digitalisation and Automation Leadership, 2019


  1. Industrial Robotics
  2. Business Modeling
  3. Programming PLCs
  4. Microservices Architecture
  5. Software Product Lines Engineering

Thesis Supervision

I have always topics for diplom, master and bachelor theses. You find them in the webpage of our institut